Sunday, October 3, 2010

Psalm 145:13-18 God's upholds those bowed and the Universe

Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and your dominion endures throughout all generations. The Lord is faithful in all his words and kind in all his works.  The Lord upholds all who are falling and rasies up all who are bowed down. The eyes of all look to you, and you give them their food in due season. You open your hand; you satisfy the desire of every living thing. The LORD is righteous in all his ways and kind in all his works. The LORD is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.    (Psalm 145:13-18)

Hello Family, I hope all is well. Thank God for keeping us unto this very hour, and that in His providence, His grace will keep us and hold us until the very moment we see Him in His heavenly glory.

Palms 145 tells us that God's kingdom is a everlasting kingdom. If this era of human history continues for another 2,000 years, God's will maintain dominion. He will be in charge. Everyone who trusts in his word and his work on the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ, will find him faithful to his word and work. This scripture portion tells us that the Lord upholds all who are falling and bowed down. Is there anyone who is falling, who is bowed down, falling is not a delightful thing, falling is a bad thing, a bad time, a time of anxiousness, a time of feelings of helplessness, maybe thinking that there is no way out, or that there is no one who cares, or can help, at those times, the Lord who is faithful to his word - speak his word - telling us that he will uphold us and raise us up.

You open you hand: you satisfy the desire of every living thing. This verse express what is called God's common grace - that is everyone is a receiver. The good that all humankind experiences is from the merciful hand of God. The unsaved experience good, their lives are not complete misery, some of them are destined for salvation, some unsaved have more material blessings than some who are saved. The problem is that the material will not bring about the pardon for sin. This life will end one day either at our own death, or the second coming of Christ, then there will be only two groups, the lost and the saved. Those saints of God who have suffered for the Glory of God will receive from the Lord, that which has been prepared for them.

The last portion of these verses state that the Lord is near to all those who call on the Lord in truth.
This speaks of those who are God's, for only those will call upon God in truth, from lives that have tasted of the goodness of God, and who labor in the word of God, seeking the face of God, because to read the word, and see the depth of our sin, and realize that only in Christ can we find that blessed hope that assures us of eternal life, we call out to him who upholds the universe by the word of his power.(Hebrews 1:3) Those who call upon him in truth, are refreshed in the pain and suffering that is a part of the Christian life.

Keep praying family and hold each other up before the throne of God.

1 comment:

  1. Praise God, Master of All. Psalm 145 is one of my favorites. It is always amazing when you take the time to reflect on God and all the amazing things He does every second of the day for all living creatures on this earth (gravity, air to breath, water, substenance, renewed life each morning, etc.) He literally carries us in the palm of His hand. It is mind boggling that He does it for saved and unsaved! Then the favor He bestows on all who believe in Jesus Christ and His shed blood surpasses all that. God is indeed good all the time!!
