Before returning to 1 Peter, I wanted to pass on some resources that deal with the subject: The Sovereignty of God. The biggest issue, in my opinion, facing Christians today; is the subject of the Sovereignty of God, whether or not God has complete control of the universe and everything in it, or whether He is in heaven, wondering what you are I are going to do and if what He has ordained or promised in His Word will actually come to pass or not. It was an issue that I was really exposed to years ago when I first became aware of Reformed doctrine, or Calvinism. This system of belief I have come to find out was the predominant view of Scripture in the early history of this country. I believe, not just me however, but many people all over the world believe it to be the most biblical presentation of the doctrines of the Bible. Its difference is readily seen when comparison are made between its presentation of the truth of Scripture with those that we see on television and on the Internet (You tubes) The biggest point of Calvinism is the Sovereignty of God. The fact that God is indeed in absolute control of this universe - and that is because that is how the Bible portrays Him, to soften or curtail the True God is to worship someone who is not the True God. So in order to give your resources that provide sound, biblical material for our learning, I have listed the following links, these are but a sample of the mountainous material that is available online. I have read and/or read most of the material here and pray that you will spend some time with these resources and that the Spirit God would testify to our spirits anew, that we are indeed children of God.
Blessings! bethlehem-10-reasons-why-believing-in-the-sovereignty-of-god-matters
This is a great sermon by Dr. John MacArthur on the Sovereignty of God!!
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