In this last study of sanctification I want to present some quotes from Pastors and theologians on our study topic.
Men and women who trust in Christ receive the power of the Spirit to live in holiness and in Thanksgiving for their redemption (Acts 1:8) Still, even Christians must war against sin in their lives because we are prone to break God's law until glorification. (1 John 1:8-9) Sanctification is ultimately a call to the imitation of Christ (1 Cor. 11:1) A life of holiness.
R. C. Sproul
This is sanctification: feeling more than ever the strength of sin and the weakness of the flesh, and knowing painfully what it is to be left to yourself, you beg the Lord to keep your soul. To shine upon it continually with the beams of divine love, and to water it ever more with the divine Spirit and grace.
Richard Phillips
It is possible to experience common convictions of sin and impressions of God and His holy attributes - even to acknowledge sin and be somewhat humbled under it, to weep and pray over it, to be afraid to sin again - and still not be able to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Think of Cain, Saul, and Judas.
Joel Beeke
Our redemption is indeed glorious enough that it ought to push us to be willing to set aside our own interests and pursue the greater good of the Kingdom. It should give us a deeper gratitude for all that He has already done for us.
R. C. Sproul, Jr.
Prayer is the pathway to faith and obedience. Live by faith, walk by the Spirit, serve in the strength God supplies. Live in such a way that God gets trusted, you get healed, people get served and God gets glory.
John Piper
The pious live by what they find in Christ rather than by what they find in themselves. By faith, the believer possesses Christ and grows in Him. Communion with Christ is always the result of the Spirit's work. Sanctification is the process by which the believer increasingly becomes conformed to Christ in heart, conduct, and devotion to God.
Joel Beeke
The right motive of self-denial is the love for the will of God. Culminating in the glorification of God. Man is too deeply immersed in self-love to be able to rid himself from it. It is the LORD who grants this grace to His children. Working in them to will and to do (Phil. 2:13) Especially the mortification of sin (Rom. 8:13) (2 Cor. 7:1) This virtue when it becomes deeply rooted brings inner peace.
John Owens
If we thoroughly understand and believe what power is in God's hand to defend us, what tenderness is in His heart to help us, and what faithfulness is His promises, our hearts will be calm - our courage will grow stronger and our fear will grow weaker.
John Flavel
Although we acknowledge that we totally dependent upon Christ for our sanctification: for the enabling power to flee from sin and pursue righteousness, we are still responsible to repent, to mortify the flesh, to die daily, to avoid temptation, to put away sin and turn to obedience and godliness. We are valid secondary agents that must do everything we can do to study God's law, place it in our hearts and obey it promptly and sincerely.
Brian Schwertley
It is our duty to be perfecting holiness in the fear of God. (2 Cor. 7:1) To be growing in grace every day (1 Pet. 2:2, 2 Pet. 3:18) Sp that our inner nature should be renewed day by day (2 Cor. 4:16) This cannot be accomplished without the daily mortifying of sin. Sin sets its strength against every act of holiness, and every degree of spiritual growth. We will not be making progress in holiness without walking over the bellies of our lusts.
John Owens
A victory over besetting sins shows an increased vigor in the renewed principle... having a sorrow on account of men's sinful and miserable condition and a disposition tenderly to warn sinners of their danger, evince a growing state of piety....
Archibald Alexander
This is God's goal with us in every cross we must carry. He afflicts us to keep us in close communion with Himself, to wean us from this world, and to ripen us for the eternal beatific vision of soli Deo gloria! - in short, to keep us pure-minded, heavenly-minded.
A - Admit that without Christ you can do nothing.
P - Pray for God's help.
T - Trust in a promise suited to your need.
A - Act with humble confidence in God's help.
T - Thank Him for the good that comes.
John Piper
I pray and trust that you have been blessed by what the word of God tells us about this vital topic- sanctification it is a major theme of the Bible - for us who live in the post-cross era. We have the Holy Spirit within us, and He will lead us where God want us to go, let us be mindful not to grieve Him in what He is doing for us, for our own good.
Sanctification is the process of taking the vile taste of the world, Satan, and Hell out of our mouths and replacing it with Everlasting Aroma of Jesus Christ, which is pleasing to God.
The next study will be the Book of Galatians.
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