My little children, for whom I am again in the anguish of childbirth until Christ is formed in you. Galatians 4:19
In the fourth chapter of Galatians Paul continues to explain how Christ has redeemed us from the law. He tells us that we have been adopted in the family of God as His sons and daughters, and that because we belong to God He has sent the Spirit of His Son into our hearts.
The wonder of what God has provided for us. Paul says that the Spirit that God has given us crys "Abba! Father! The intimacy that God desires with us amazing. That we can prayer to God is a wonderful privilege. That God hears our prayers shows the intimacy of our relationship with God, our prayer life really does show how our relationship with God is. If we are truly seeking Him, we pray often, and we pray sincerely, with ours hearts. We encounter God's Spirit when we pray like that. We enter into sweet communion with God. That's what the Spirit wants to do within us, have us crying out Abba! Father! because we have tasted and we know that the Lord is good.
In the previous chapters we have seen Paul's concern for the Galatian believer's is so strong that he says that the ones who were preaching a false gospel to them should be cursed/damned. He is angry at them for he understand the consequences of their false gospel. But Paul's also shows his concern for the believers when he tells them he is in anguish concerning their spiritual state, because they may be leaning toward the false gospel of the law that was presented to them. Paul shows his deep concern for all the churches he plants, he cares deeply for them. This is what Christian fellowship is all about. We should care deeply for other Christians. Jesus does and so should we. We should regularly pray for all Christians, that is certainly what the Spirit in us would want s us to do.
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