God has been gracious, 2011 has come and gone and we now are in the start of a new year. There were deaths and births throughout 2011 just as there will be throughout 2012. those of us that are Christians that believe in the Lord Jesus Christ have the same marching orders that we had in 2011, tobring glory to God. We bring God glory when we face up to temptation to sin and say no. When we are diligent in seeking God's Face in prayer, when we are thankful that God brings us to repentance, knowing that His Favor is truely on us, for us to have the desire to repent. We bring Him glory when we set our hearts to obedience, spending time in prayer and reading of the Word to cleanse us from the sin that is all around us, and in our own hearts. We prepare ourselves for the struggle on our knees. Falling to our knees before the Truine God pleading, begging for His sufficient grace, praying for the great power He has available for those who love Him and obey Him.
2012 is a time of rejoicing, just like 2011 was, just like each day that we have is a day of rejoicing for with each forward movement of time, we draw closer to that great day of the Lord. The day when history will come to and end and we will come into eternity. If you dont know Jesus Christ, allow the Holy Spirit to introduce you to Him. You need to know the absolute desparate situation you are in, your sins separate you from a Holy God, His holy wrath is over you and if you were to die in that state or that day of the Lord were to come before you repent, it would be a day not of rejoicing, but a day of unimageable terror, it will be horrible. The Bible states that creation is speaking to the whole world each and every day of the existence of God and all peoples everywhere know that God exist, yet they surpress that knowledge and live, and function, as though God foes not exist. That is man's main sin and the horrible but justice wrath of God will be the final state of those who never take the time to hear creation's call and seek the Creator. My prayer is that you make 2012 a year of rejoicing by looking at yourself anew, admit your sin before God, plead for His mercy and experience His forgiveness. Salvation is God's work from beginning to end, my prayer is that the Holy Spirit will lead you to Christ, even now.
Let those of us that are God's own, made to give Him glory, lets us turn to the Spirit, let Him have His way with us, leading us into more and more knowledge of Christ, making Christ more and more real to us. Let Him teach us that the Devil, the world, and our own flesh are our enemies and let Him strengthen us as we seek to stay close to Him in prayer and reading of the Word. Let us be more thankful in 2012 than we were in 2011. Let us offer more praise that we did in 2011. Let us prayer more than we did in 2011. Let us love more than we did in 2011. Let us bring our Father glory, presenting His Gracious Son, our Wise and Holy, Savior to as many as we can, help us Holy Spirit, for we know that we can do nothing without your guidance, power, mercy and love, help us and keep us, Holy God, for Christ sake.
2012 is a time of rejoicing, just like 2011 was, just like each day that we have is a day of rejoicing for with each forward movement of time, we draw closer to that great day of the Lord. The day when history will come to and end and we will come into eternity. If you dont know Jesus Christ, allow the Holy Spirit to introduce you to Him. You need to know the absolute desparate situation you are in, your sins separate you from a Holy God, His holy wrath is over you and if you were to die in that state or that day of the Lord were to come before you repent, it would be a day not of rejoicing, but a day of unimageable terror, it will be horrible. The Bible states that creation is speaking to the whole world each and every day of the existence of God and all peoples everywhere know that God exist, yet they surpress that knowledge and live, and function, as though God foes not exist. That is man's main sin and the horrible but justice wrath of God will be the final state of those who never take the time to hear creation's call and seek the Creator. My prayer is that you make 2012 a year of rejoicing by looking at yourself anew, admit your sin before God, plead for His mercy and experience His forgiveness. Salvation is God's work from beginning to end, my prayer is that the Holy Spirit will lead you to Christ, even now.
Let those of us that are God's own, made to give Him glory, lets us turn to the Spirit, let Him have His way with us, leading us into more and more knowledge of Christ, making Christ more and more real to us. Let Him teach us that the Devil, the world, and our own flesh are our enemies and let Him strengthen us as we seek to stay close to Him in prayer and reading of the Word. Let us be more thankful in 2012 than we were in 2011. Let us offer more praise that we did in 2011. Let us prayer more than we did in 2011. Let us love more than we did in 2011. Let us bring our Father glory, presenting His Gracious Son, our Wise and Holy, Savior to as many as we can, help us Holy Spirit, for we know that we can do nothing without your guidance, power, mercy and love, help us and keep us, Holy God, for Christ sake.
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