I pray everyone is well. Congratulations to Brianna for her baptism this Sunday. Let's place a special emphasis in our prayers for "Herdan" Penny told me her count is down, so be sure and go strongly and fervently to the Lord in prayer for her.
This study is about reverence for God:
"And I prayed to the LORD my God, and made confession, and said, "O Lord, great and awesome God, who keeps his covenant and mercy with those who love him, and with those who keep his commandments."
Daniel 9:4
Moses expresses fear to look upon God:
"Moreover he said, "I am the God of your father - the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob" and Moses hid his face, for he was afraid to look upon God.
Exodus 3:6
Jesus caused similar reaction: He and his disciple were in a violent storm at sea, Jesus was asleep, and they came to him screaming for him save them for they were perishing, after he had calmed the sea. The Bible says:
"So the men marveled, saying "who can this be, that even the winds and the sea obey him?"
Matthew 8:27
These verses show an attitude of heart toward God, not that we are to fear God in the sense of terror, for the child of God, we are to "fear not." What we see in these verses is the acknowledgement of being in the presence of the HOLY, an awesome and awe-inspiring God.
Reverence is showing respect for God, giving him the honor and glory that he and he alone is deserving of.
The Child of God should reverence their heavenly Father. They should have reverence for the Lord Jesus Christ. Christ has provided rescue from our sins, our rebellion against a Holy, Loving God. Who has taken us out of the kingdom of darkness and put us in the kingdom of the Son of his love. (Colossians 1:13)
We should also reverence the Holy Spirit by not grieving him. God has expressed great love toward us. His hand is always extended toward us in love.
"You open your hand and satisfy the desire of every living thing."
Psalm 145:16
Certainly our response to God of Love should be one of gratitude. As we learn more and more of God's character, we learn more and more about our fallen character and appreciate more and more the work of Christ on our behalf. Our hearts should express thanksgiving toward God. How are we to show that gratitude? Certainly we should return love for the love God has shown us and continues to show with the dawning of each new day. Jesus said we show that we have that love in our hearts when:
"If you love me, keep my commandments"
John 14:15
Keeping the commandments of Christ displays that the Holy Spirit is working in our lives, because love for Christ is there and we are obeying his commandments. This this the measuring stick of our christian walk to the degree that we are obeying the commandments of Christ is the degree that we love Christ.
What does this mean for us: we can not in our own power keep the commandments of Christ, even with the Help of the Holy Spirit we do not perfectly keep Christ's commandments, but when we fail, we are grieved and we run to Christ pleading for the forgiveness he always gives, we pray for inner strength for the area we failed at and we watch in prayer to remain steadfast. Reverence for Almighty God is expressed in Obedience it always has been Samuel told King Saul "has the LORD as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as in obeying the voice of the LORD? Behold to obey is better than sacrifice and to heed than the fat of rams."
1 Samuel 15:22
Lets all seek to obey - because that is what our Heavenly Father commands and desires. God Bless everyone and continue to lift each one up to the LORD in prayer.
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